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Associate Degree for Transfer

About the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT)
AA-T and AS-T are acronyms for Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees that are designed specifically for transfer to the 麻豆传媒社区入口 System. Through SB 1440, the Student Transfer Achievement Reform (STAR) Act, students are guaranteed admission into the CSU system. Students who have earned a verified Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T) from a California Community College, and who have been admitted to a 麻豆传媒社区入口 major that is deemed similar, are guaranteed to be able to complete their baccalaureate degree within 60 semester units.
ADT Frequently Asked Questions
After you complete all items for the process, please be sure that you submit an official transcript that has your AS-T or AA-T posted. This will help ensure that your ADT status is designated on your student record. Make an advising appointment with the ADT Advisor in the General Education office, as well as with your Faculty Advisor in your major department.
- Guaranteed admission to a CSU, but not necessarily to a particular campus or major.
- Admitted with junior standing
- Receive priority admission consideration, see the California Promise page for more information.
- Able to complete the baccalaureate degree in a major that is deemed similar to the ADT within 60 semester units at CSUEB. The guarantee is forfeited if a student changes their major.
- All lower division General Education requirements are satisfied as part of the student’s community college coursework. ADT students will not be required to complete any lower division General Education requirements at CSUEB.
To maintain the ADT/STAR Act guarantee of completing a CSUEB bachelor's degree in 60 semester additional units, you are required to:
- Continue in the AA-T or AS-T similar major in which you were admitted. Changing your major will void the guarantee.
- Pass the courses attempted that count toward the guaranteed 60 semester units at CSUEB with appropriate grades. Meet any specific academic progress requirements that are set by individual academic programs. Repeating courses will not count toward the 60 semester unit guarantee.
- Register at your appointed time. Delays in registering may limit your course options and adversely affect compliance with the agreement.
- Satisfy all CSUEB graduation requirements. You may have met some of these at the community college. Please meet with an advisor to be sure you have a plan to complete these requirements as part of your 60 semester units at CSUEB.
- Meet regularly with your Major Advisor in your academic program and the ADT Advisor in the GE Office to ensure you are following your ADT major roadmap and are satisfying all other requirements. The ADT roadmap is not intended to replace academic advising and should be used in conjunction with the Degree Audit Report found in your MyCSUEB account.
If you change your major to a major that is not deemed similar to your AA-T or AS-T, you may be required to complete more than 60 semester units in order to graduate. You may also have to complete additional lower division coursework for the new major. You will not, however, be required to complete additional lower division General Education requirements. It is highly recommended you make an appointment with your Major Advisor and the ADT Advisor prior to initiating any changes to your academic plan.
All ADT students should meet with their Major Advisor for requirements specific to their major. Major Advising information can usually be found on your academic department’s website.
ADT students should also meet with the ADT Advisor in the GE Office for GE/Graduation Degree advising and SB 1440 compliance:
Wendy Herbert, MPA
Student Services & Administration Building, Room 1500
(510) 885-2941 Office
To view a list of ADT degrees at CSUEB.