New Advising Model

Evolving Our Model
Overview of the New Advising Model
During last week’s Convocation, the Provost announced that the University is implementing a
new model for advising our students. Over the 2022-2023 academic year, Academic Affairs
worked closely with colleagues in Student Affairs to design a new expanded college-based
advising model that deploys a strengths-based approach for faculty and professional advisors
to use their role-specific skills in a coordinated effort to serve students better. This new model
allows for professional advisors and faculty to maintain manageable caseloads, granting more
time to work meaningfully with students. Professional advisors and faculty will support each
other to advise students toward timely graduation through processes such as:
● Appointments for all incoming students
● Centralized, consistent training and professional development
● Cross-training in roles and best practices to enhance advisor wellness and abilities
● Educating our students on advising systems and technologies
● Appointment notes and summaries to create the feedback loop and shared
More information about the model can be found in a public Google Drive:
During the current 2023-2024 academic year the same advising policies and practices from
last year will be in place while an implementation plan for the new advising model is created
and executed. The new model is slated to begin operating next Fall 2024.