Candidate Monitoring, Supporting & Assessing

Candidate Monitoring

Meetings are held collaboratively between instructors in order to follow up to better support candidates as they navigate course work and ensure they are meeting the designated Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs).  Program coordinators meet monthly with University Supervisors to track progress in the fieldwork placement and ensure candidates are making appropriate growth and progress towards meeting the TPEs. Instructors, Program Coordinators, University Supervisors, and the Department Chair may have individual meetings with candidates in order to best support their needs.

Improvement Plans are a document used to identify specific ways in which a candidate can be supported and plan for success in meeting the TPEs, based on input from the instructors, supervisor and other mentors working with the candidate. Any requirement listed in the plan must be completed to meet the requirements of the improvement plan. The .


Candidate Evaluation

Teaching expertise can be measured along a continuum, and as such, candidates are encouraged to develop the habits of a reflective practitioner. Candidates’ development of skills related to the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) are evaluated periodically throughout the academic year. The purpose of these evaluations is to help candidate identify areas of strength and improvement focused on continuous growth. Two summative evaluations are completed and shared with candidates; one at the end of the fall semester and one at the end of the spring. At the end of each semester, the University Supervisor and either the Cooperating Teacher or site administrator meet to discuss the growth attained by the candidate over the course of the placement. As applicable, each completes a Summative Evaluation on the candidate's performance in the field. .