490 |
Academic Advisement and Career Educ |
Adriana Patel |
002 |
Academic Affairs, VP Office |
Sabreen Mutan |
265 |
Academic Programs & Graduate Studies |
Adriana Patel |
270 |
Academic Resources |
Sabreen Mutan |
275 |
Academic Senate |
Sabreen Mutan |
475 |
Accessibility Services |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
140 |
Accounting & Finance |
Mary Bravo |
375 |
Accounting & Fiscal Services |
Hyo Kim |
285 |
Admissions/Imaging |
Sabreen Mutan |
003 |
Administration & Finance, VP Office |
Sabreen Mutan |
015 |
Anthropology/Anthropology Museum |
Sabreen Mutan |
020 |
Art |
Sabreen Mutan |
441 |
Athletics |
Sabreen Mutan |
215 |
Biological Sciences |
Hyo Kim |
365 |
Budget |
Hyo Kim |
370 |
Business & Financial Services |
Hyo Kim |
494 |
Campus Life |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
220 |
Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Adriana Patel |
010 |
College of Letter, Arts and Social Science(CLASS) |
Mary Bravo |
135 |
College of Business and Economics |
Mary Bravo |
170 |
College of Education & Allied Studies |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
210 |
College of Science |
Hyo Kim |
070 |
Communication |
Hyo Kim |
391 |
Concord facilities |
Adriana Patel |
260 |
Concord Campus |
Sabreen Mutan |
455 |
Counseling & Psychological Svc (CAPS) |
Mary Bravo |
035 |
Criminal Justice Administration |
Sabreen Mutan |
430 |
Custodial Services |
Adriana Patel |
395 |
Design & Construction |
Adriana Patel |
387 |
Duplicating Services |
Hyo Kim |
225 |
Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Hyo Kim |
145 |
Economics |
Mary Bravo |
175 |
Educational Leadership |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
445 |
Educational Opportunity Program |
Mary Bravo |
180 |
Educational Psychology |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
222 |
Engineering |
Adriana Patel |
040 |
English |
Mary Bravo |
284 |
Enrollment Services |
Mary Bravo |
366 |
Enterprise Activities |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
400 |
Environmental Health & Safety |
Adriana Patel |
045 |
Ethnic Studies |
Mary Bravo |
405 |
Facilities Management |
Adriana Patel |
390 |
Facilities Planning |
Adriana Patel |
367 |
Facilities Reservations |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
330 |
Faculty Development |
Hyo Kim |
321 |
Faculty Support Grants |
Hyo Kim |
466 |
Family and Community SVCS |
Mary Bravo |
371 |
Finance Support Unit |
Hyo Kim |
301 |
Financial Aid / Work Study Program |
Sabreen Mutan |
267 |
General Education |
Adriana Patel |
055 |
Geography and Environmental Studies |
Mary Bravo |
425 |
Grounds Maintenance |
Adriana Patel |
060 |
History |
Mary Bravo |
190 |
Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
495 |
Housing and Residential Life/ Pioneer Heights |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
065 |
Human Development |
Hyo Kim |
435 |
Human Resources |
Adriana Patel |
299 |
Institute for STEM Education |
Adriana Patel |
565 |
ITS Conference/Class Tech Svcs |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
554 |
ITS Enterprise Info Svcs |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
540 |
ITS Info Tech Solutions |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
557 |
ITS Innovations Engineering |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
570 |
ITS Online Hybrid Support Center |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
561 |
ITS Operations & Innovation |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
562 |
ITS Security & Infrastructure |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
555 |
ITS Technology Development |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
556 |
ITS Web/Communication |
Guadalupe Gonzales |
185 |
Kinesiology |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
115 |
Liberal Studies |
Adriana Patel |
350 |
Library |
Hyo Kim |
150 |
Management |
Mary Bravo |
155 |
Marketing |
Mary Bravo |
235 |
Math & Computer Science |
Hyo Kim |
050 |
Modern Language & Literature |
Mary Bravo |
268 |
Multimedia |
Adriana Patel |
075 |
Music |
Mary Bravo |
240 |
Nursing |
Hyo Kim |
263 |
Online Campus |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
510 |
Parking |
Sabreen Mutan |
380 |
Payroll |
Adriana Patel |
080 |
Philosophy |
Sabreen Mutan |
245 |
Physics |
Hyo Kim |
085 |
Political Science |
Sabreen Mutan |
001 |
President's Office |
Sabreen Mutan |
385 |
Procurement Services |
Hyo Kim |
286 |
Prospective Student Services |
Mary Bravo |
250 |
Psychology |
Adriana Patel |
090 |
Public Affairs and Administration |
Sabreen Mutan |
230 |
Public Health |
Hyo Kim |
497 |
RAW - Recreation and Wellness |
Mary Bravo |
295 |
Registrar |
Sabreen Mutan |
320 |
Research & Sponsored Programs |
Hyo Kim |
388 |
Risk Management |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
450 |
SCAA Student Center for Academic Achievement |
Mary Bravo |
011 |
School of Arts and Media (SAM) |
Mary Bravo |
386 |
Shipping & Receiving |
Hyo Kim |
420 |
Skilled Trades (Building Maintenance) |
Adriana Patel |
096 |
Social Work |
Sabreen Mutan |
095 |
Sociology and Social Services |
Sabreen Mutan |
030 |
Speech Language & Hearing Science |
Sabreen Mutan |
255 |
Statistics and Biostatistics |
Adriana Patel |
004 |
Student Affairs, AVP |
Mary Bravo |
480 |
Student Conduct, Rights & Responsibilities |
Mary Bravo |
500 |
Student Health Center |
Mary Bravo |
485 |
Student Life and Leadership |
Mary Bravo |
465 |
Students Equity & Success |
Mary Bravo |
499 |
Student Success Centers |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
498 |
Student Support Services |
Mary Bravo |
291 |
Student Systems |
Sabreen Mutan |
195 |
Teacher Education |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |
336 |
Testing Services |
Sabreen Mutan |
105 |
Theatre and Dance |
Adriana Patel |
005 |
University Advancement |
Sabreen Mutan |
360 |
University Extension |
Sabreen Mutan |
505 |
University Police |
Mary Bravo |
280 |
University Strategic Planning |
Sabreen Mutan |
496 |
University Union Operations |
Guadalupe Gonzalez |