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Electric Vehicle - Connections Code
Electric Vehicle Charging - Connections Code
Log in to your ChargePoint account . If you do not have an account, please sign up for one first. (Chrome or Firefox browsers only)
(If you have the ChargePoint app you can use these directions instead: )

3. Enter CSUEBEV57 (case sensitive) into the Connection Code field and click Apply.

5. Enter your CAMPUS EMAIL, agree to the Terms and Conditions, and click Submit Request.
7. Once approved, your Connection will be listed in the table under the Connections Tab with the status column marked as Approved.
8. You are now ready to use the ChargePoint stations on campus at the reduced rate of $0.32/kWh.
For questions regarding your account, please call the ChargePoint Customer Service line at (888) 758-4389. For questions on procedures and rates, please contact CSUEB Parking and AlternativeTransportation Services at (510) 885-3790 during normal business hours.