New Campus Telephone System

  • July 25, 2016

Information Technology Services will begin to replace the campus telephone infrastructure with a new system starting in June 2016. This phased project will replace desk phones with new devices that run on the University’s computer network instead of traditional phone lines.  The new system will provide the ability to receive and check voicemail via email.  The cost of operating the service will also be reduced.

The first 100 phone replacements will occur during the summer and will include a wide scope of departments and functions to test the rollout strategy. Subsequent phases will implement campus-wide replacement on a building-to-building basis. Advance notification to staff and faculty about the schedule will be part of this process. The project is expected to be completed by Fall 2017. Please watch for more information, including email notifications and a project website to learn more.

To keep abreast of project developments please visit the .