Comings and goings
- June 5, 2012
Employees listed below were hired in the following months:
October 2011
Stephen Andrews, Graduate programs coordinator, College of Business and Economics
November 2011
Sophia Carrillo, Health educator, Student Health Services
Nima Baiati, Project analyst, College of Business and Economics
Sandy Luong, Project analyst, College of Business and Economics
David Miyoshi, Operating systems analyst, Server Operations Services
Julie Leon, International student advisor, Continuing and International Education
Gary Moser, Planning and institutional research associate, Planning and Institutional Research
Winton Anderson, Evaluations trainee, Admissions-Undergraduate and Graduate
December 2011
Douglas Hankins, Analyst/programmer, Application Systems
January 2012
Kristina Walker, Administrative assistant II, Teacher Education
Patrick Gregorio Jr., IT consultant, User Support Services
Sophie Rollins, Assistant coordinator, Academic Senate
Mischelle Willett, Admissions support assistant, Enrollment Development and Management
February 2012
Philip Bollinger, Accounting technician, Accounting and Fiscal Services
Derek Aitkin, Director government and community relations, University Advancement
Kent Kavasch, publication and graphic services coordinator, University Advancement
Jaskirat Kohli, Accessibility counselor, Risk Management and Internal Control
Sylvia Head, Employer relations coordinator, Academic Advising and Career Education
Yashmeen Imroz, Grants analyst coordinator, Research and Sponsored Programs
Jose Salceda, Academic life planning counselor, Student Retention
Ilana Samuels, Associate director recruitment initiatives, Enrollment Development and Management
March 2012
Andrew Cho, Project manager specialist, Administrative Applications
April 2012
Augusto Oliveira, Project manager specialist, Administrative Applications
Michael Elder Jr., Police officer, University Police
Kimberly Czirkelbach, Accessibility counselor, Risk Management and Internal Control
May 2012
Alexis Perez, Marketing assistant, Continuing and International Education