2012 Panetta Congressional Internship Program
- February 15, 2012
Please complete and submit this form with your resume, essay, transcript(s), and graded paper
to: Veronica Salvador, Office of the President, Student and Administration building, room 4900
by 5:00 PM on Friday, February 24, 2012.
First Name: _______________________________ Last Name: _________________________________
Academic Level Fall 2012 (check one): Junior ______ Senior_______
Major: _______________________________________________________
Phone: (day) _____________________________ (evening) __________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
Statement of Understanding
______I verify that I am a U.S. citizen and a state of California resident
______I have never been sanctioned under the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Article 2 (StudentDiscipline), Section 41301
______I have not held this internship in previous years
______I will be either a Junior or a Senior during the Fall 2012 Quarter
______I understand that if I am a finalist, I will be subject to a background investigation
______I understand that this program requires a full‐time commitment from August 12 to November 10, 2012.
No extra‐curricular or outside courses are allowed, including, but not limited to: scheduling of LSAT, GRE, MCAT, or other graduate school preparation classes and/or exams during the internship
Signature: _________________________________________
A complete application will consist of ALL the following:
____ Completed application cover sheet (this document)
____ Up‐to‐date resume that emphasizes your qualifications for the internship
____ Essay stating reasons for your interest in the Panetta Institute’s Congressional Internship Program
____ Academic Transcript (official or unofficial), including community/junior college work and/or other
college/university work
____ Copy of a graded paper (at least 3 pages in length)
Application deadline: Friday, February 24, 2012 by 5:00 PM. Submit to:
Veronica Salvador, Office of the President, Student and Administration building,
4th Floor, Room 4900.