- Human Resources
- About Us
- Human Resources Specialists
- CSU Disability
- Employee Separation Clearance Process
- New Employees
- Benefits
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Open Enrollment 2024
- Employee Health Plans
- Voluntary Retirement and Savings Plans
- Life Insurance
- Retirement Programs
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- Retiring from the CSU
- Employee's Retirement
- Part-time, Seasonal, Temporary (PST)
- Miscellaneous Benefit Programs
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Vision Plan
General Information
is the vision plan provider and will provide administration of vision benefits and claims on behalf of the employer-paid 麻豆传媒社区入口 (CSU) Vision Plan.
- Employees who are eligible for benefits will be automatically enrolled in the basic plan. There is no monthly premium for the basic plan. The basic vision plan is currently employer-paid.
- Group #30059426
Employees have the option of enrolling in the VSP Premium Plan. There is a monthly premium for the VSP Premier Plan:
- Employee = $4.03/month
- Employee + 1 = $15.01/month
- Employee + 2= $28.41/month
- Group #30077022
Employees of the State of California whose appointment is at least six months and one day (tenure) and at least half-time (time base) may sign up for the CalPERS Health Benefit Program. In addition, lecturers or coaches with a time base of .40 or greater who are appointed for an academic year or two quarter appointment are eligible. Please download the Lecturer Benefit Eligibility Criteria for additional information.
Who’s Eligible?
- Spouse
- Unmarried, natural, stepchildren, or adopted children under the age of 26
- Domestic partners (contact Human Resources for more information)
- Economically dependent children
You may select any licensed ophthalmologist, optometrist, or dispensing optician to provide services covered under this benefit, including such providers outside of California. However, the highest benefit is received when using a participating provider from the VSP Provider list. The participating provider will verify benefits and eligibility and obtain authorization from Vision Service Plan (VSP).
There are no ID cards or filling out a claim form under this plan.
The employee only needs to provide the Group #30059426.
Forms can be downloaded for an out-of-network reimbursement form or CVC claim form (Computer Vision Glasses).
All active employees (dependents are not eligible) who utilize a video display terminal four (4) or more hours per day on a regular basis as provided in their job description shall be eligible for the VDT program as follows: Eye Exam, Lenses and Frames every other calendar year. Frames are covered up to $95. The Eye Exam and Lenses are covered in full.
1New lenses will be approved and replaced every calendar year if at least one of the following criteria is met:
* The new prescription differs from the original by at least a .50 dopter sphere or cylinder
* There is a change in the axis of 15 degrees or more
* A difference in vertical prism greater than one prism diopter