Apartment Inspection

University Housing Inspections are conducted in student living environments to promote healthy living, safe conditions, and care for the facilities. Resident Assistants will be entering your apartments at two different times each semester to inspect and provide feedback and learning conversations to any area of concern. If your apartment fails the inspection, you will receive a notification on actions required and possible fees.
The resident Assistant will key into your apartment, suite, and bedroom. Appointments are not needed as RAs will enter the space without the need for you to be present. Apartment Inspections can occur anytime during the hours of 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM unless other arrangements have been made.
Resident Assistants will be looking for the following items:
Cleanliness & Trash
- Trash, Recycling, and Organics have been removed and taken to outside trash enclosures
- Apartments/Suites are free of trash and clutter
- All counters were wiped down
- Sinks are wiped down. Dishes are cleaned
- The Shower/Tub is wiped down
- Floors are not cluttered
Conduct Violations
- Alcohol in room/apt that is underage
- Marijuana or drug paraphernalia in the room/apt.
- Indication of smoking in the apartment
- Residents that are occupying two spaces
- University furniture on balconies
- Unapproved animals in apartments
* Residents with alleged violations will be documented. You are advised to review Housing Conduct Policies to ensure you understand the expectations. Non-permitted items need to be removed immediately.
Unsafe Environment
- Windows/Doors are closed and locked
- Obstruction to emergency exits: windows/doors
- Lights and appliances are fully off during breaks
- Smoke detectors & fire extinguishers
- Broken Furniture (Bed rails, ladders, broken drawers, desks)
- Broken Appliances/Fixtures (Toilet running, toilet paper holder broke, shower rail broke, leaky faucet, a hold bigger than a quarter, broken outlet covers)
- Mildew in the shower room.
* Maintenance requests will be reviewed to see if concerns have been submitted.
- Ensure residents are living in their assigned space
- Ensure vacant bed spaces are clear, clean, and ready for a new resident
What Your Inspection Means
Your Apartment Passed!
Congratulations - No action is needed
Your Apartment Failed!
A copy of the inspection sheet will be left on the refrigerator detailing necessary corrections. Note- All members of the apartment have shared responsibility for the apartment. Should fees be applied, all residents will share the cost as appropriate.
If a Resident Assistant finds a violation of the License Agreement or the University Housing Conduct Policies, an Incident Report will be submitted, and you will be contacted regarding the violation and conduct processes. Unapproved items in conduct violation must be removed immediately from University Housing premises.
If a Resident Assistant finds a broken appliance/fixture or other maintenance concerns, a maintenance request will be submitted on your behalf. Facilities may be entering your apartment, suite, and/or bedroom to complete the repair without further notice.
The Resident Assistant will leave a copy of the Apartment Inspection Review Sheet on your dining table for all apartment/suitemates to review. All residents of the apartment will be held responsible for action-needed items and possible fees.
As a reminder, if you are leaving for extended breaks, please unplug all electrical items, including alarm clocks and any other devices that may go off while you are away. The Resident Assistant and/or Housing Staff may unplug items while you're away to reduce power consumption and for safety in the residence hall.
To preview the Apartment Inspect Review sheet, please click here. Your apartment will receive emails to further understand a Pass or Fail score.