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Graduate Study Completion
General Studies XXXX 890
If you have completed all the units required for your master's degree, but are still working on your thesis, project, or studying for a comprehensive exam, you can have continued access to university facilities by registering for XXXX 890 Graduate Study Completion, through the Department of Continuing Education. This is a 1-unit course with a fee of $134. Registering for XXXX 890 will provide you with a valid Student ID card, the ability to check books out of the library, remote access to computerized databases in the library, use of computer labs on campus, the ability to continue to work on projects in science labs, eligibility to purchase a parking permit, and access to other benefits enjoyed by regularly registered students. Enrollment in XXXX 890 also qualifies as enrollment for students who are serving as a teaching associate. (Students should register for the course within their major prefix; e.g., graduate chemistry majors should register for CHEM 890.)
Note: XXXX 890 cannot be used to satisfy any unit or course requirements for your degree.
You can register by picking up a "Graduate Study Completion Form" in your department, in Continuing Education (SF 102), or download below. Note: Students will need to obtain a signature from their major department.
Download a .