Course Evaluation Processing

The Testing Office, with the assistance of Information & Computing Services, handles the quarterly processing of all Academic Senate approved 'Student Rating Questionnaire' course evaluations. We have increasingly been receiving requests for immediate turn-around of course evaluations from many departments. For clarification of the procedures and time-frames involved, please be reminded that the Testing Office and Information & Computing Services (I & CS) have long established priorities as follows:

  • During finals week, all efforts are focused on the immediate scoring and return of classroom final examinations
  • During the week after finals (the first week of quarter break),
    I & CS focuses on running grades and other end-of-the-quarter reports
  • After all such processing is completed, then course evaluations are run and are returned to departments as soon as error-free processing is complete.

A checklist and pick-up authorization form are provided for your convenience.

Please call the Testing Office if you have any questions or comments about the processing of SRQ course evaluations, and we will be happy to provide whatever information and assistance possible.