
- AKA: Calinga, Kalingga, Kalina'
- Location: Northern Luzon, Kalinga-Apayao Province. Chico River drainage.
- Subgroups: Balbalan (northern), Lubuagan (southern), Maducayan (eastern).
- Subsistence: Rice; swidden crops including beans, sweet potato, corn, sugar cane, taro. Coffee asa cash crop.
- Population: 91,128 (1990)
- Kalinga in the museum: most of our ceramics are of Kalinga manufacture; also some basketry and woodwork.
The elaborate and fanciful costumes and personal ornamentation of the Kalinga have earned them the apellation “Peacocks of the North”; they were also once known as particularly fierce warriors. They live just to the north of the Bontok in Kalinga-Apayao province, in the drainages of the Chico river and its tributaries; an itinerant group also exists in the Kalakad-Tupac area of eastern Tanudan. The Kalinga traditionally live in endogamous social groups, and participate in budong trade alliances. There is marked social differentiation among the southern Kalinga, which has acquired the techniques of rice terracing from the neighboring Bontok (as elsewhere in the area, rice is considered a status food). There is thus an aristocratic class (kadangyan) which is based on both descent and empirical wealth, and a poorer class called kapos. The southern group also lives in distinctive octagonal houses, and use draft animals in field preparation. The Kalinga make distinctive basketry, pottery, and wood and metal craft.