Social Justice: Anti-Racism Resources
This resource list has been curated in order to provide all students, staff, and faculty with the opportunity to learn about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion issues at their own pace. This resource list contains a variety of modalities to allow our community members to engage in ways that best fit their own learning preferences. Please note that this resource list is far from exhaustive. If you're interested in a specific topic not covered here or wish to deepen your learning beyond the resources available you can stay up-to-date on the latest DISC events.

Critical Race Theory in Higher Education
In this section you will find answers to questions such as:
- What is Critical Race Theory?
- How does Critical Race Theory show up in Higher Education?
- What resources are available to help me take apply Critical Race Theory in my work?
Resources for Crictical Race Theory in Higher Education
Articles on Critical Race Theory in Higher Education
- UCLA Center for Critical Race Studies in Education
- Rita Kholi & Daniel G. Solórzano
Webinars on Critical Race Theory in Higher Education
- Daniel G. Solórzano
- Daniel G. Solórzano

Culturally Responsive Teaching in STEM
In this section, you will find answers to questions such as:
- What does culturally responsive teaching look like in STEM?
Resources for Cultural Responsive Teaching in STEM
Video Lectures on Cultural Responsive Teaching in STEM
- Dr. Chris Edmin
Articles for Cultural Responsive Teaching in STEM
- Ethan Seigel
-Neil A. Louis, Jr.
Webinars on Culturally Responsive Teaching in STEM
- Dr. Joy DeGruy
- Dr. Joy DeGruy

Social Justice
In this section, you will find answers to questions such as:
- What role do I play in my institution and communities' movement towards equity and justice?
- How do I build connection?
Resources for Social Justice
Video Lectures on Social Justice
- Dr.Shakti Butler
- Dr.Shakti Butler
Webinars on Social Justice
- Deepa Iyer ()

In this section, you will find answers to questions such as:
- How do I dismantle anti-Blackness in my organization?
- How are anti-Blackness and Covid-19 connected?
- How can I disrupt anti-Blackness, whiteness, and bias when I see it?
Resources on AntiBlackness
Articles on AntiBlackness
- by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
Webinars on AntiBlackness
- Cora Learning
- Kathy Obear & Rev.Dr. Jamie Washington
- Kathy Obear & Rev.Dr. Jamie Washington
- Cora Learning
- Nolan L. Cabrera
- Dr. Derald Sue

In this section, you will find the answers to questions such as:
- What is intersectionality?
Resources on Intersectionality
Articles on Intersectionality
- Compiled by Ginna HustingVideo Lectures on Intersectionality
- Kimberlé CrenshawWebinars on Intersectionality
Coming soon.
In this section, you will find answers to questions such as:
- What impact has pedagogy had outside of the academy?
Resources on Feminism
Video Lectures on Feminism
- The New SchoolWebinars on Feminism
To be added.
Equity in Teaching
In this section, you will find answers to questions such as:
- What is the difference between equity and equality in education?
- What does equity and access look like in a virtual environment?
- What are the differences between progressive and dominant teaching pedagogies?
Resources for Equity in Teaching
Video Lectures on Equity in Teaching
- Jeff Duncan-Andrade Ph.D.
- Dr. Chris Emdin
- Bettina Love, Gholdy Muhammad, Dena Simmons and Brian Jones
Webinars on Equity in Teaching
- Dr. Luke Wood and Dr. Frank Harris
- Dr. Luke Wood and Dr. Frank Harris
- Megan Red Shirt-Shaw

In this section, you will find answers to questions such as:
- What does it mean to be antiracist?
- How do I better prepare myself to have conversations about racism?
Resources on Antiracism
Books on Antiracism
- by Layla F. Saad
- by Robin DiAngelo
- by Ibram X. Kendi
- by Ibram X. Kendi
- by Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi. "Stamped: Racism, Anti-Racism, and You" is a YA adaptation of "Stamped from the Begining"
- by Paul Kivel
- by Crystal Marie Fleming
- by Ijeoma Oluo
- by Ruth King
Documentaries on Antiracism
- Media Education Foundation

Equity and Inclusion Spoken Word
In this section, you will find resources related to many of the themes above. All of the information in this section is relayed through spoken word and other artistic mediums.
Equity and Inclusion Spoken Word
Equity & Inclusion Spoken Word Video Lectures
- Matika Wilbur
- Elizabeth Acevedo
Equity & Inclusion Spoken Word Performances
- Clint Smith
- Dominique Christina & Denice Frohman
- Mahogany L. Browne
- Denice Frohman

Understanding 2020
In this section, you will find resources that help explain the context behind our current social and political climate. You will find answers to questions such as:
- How are racism, xenophobia, and the coronavirus connected?
- How does the current resurgence of protests differ from past protests?
Resources for Understanding 2020
Articles on understanding 2020
- Michael Harriot
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
- Alex S. Vitale
Videos on understanding 2020
- Kimberly Jones & David Jones
- Dr. Sumun L. Pendakur

Other Resources Collections
In this section, you will find websites and playlists that compile resources.Many of the them have their own themes and focus.Other Resources Collections
- compiled by the DISC
- compiled by the DISC
- compiled by the DISC
- California Newsreel, the Othering & Belonging Institute, the U.C. Berkeley Library, and the American Cultures Center at U.C. Berkeley
- Corinne Shutack
- Anna Stamborski, Nikki Zimmermann, and Bailie Gregory
- Particles for Justice
- Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein
Shareable Anti-racism Resource Guide - Tasha K