Shira Lubliner, EdD Faculty Profile

Shira Lubliner, EdD
Professor, Accreditation Coordinator
Department of Teacher Education
- E-mail:
- Phone: (510) 885-4484
- Office: AE 225
- Vitae: View my CV
Shira Lubliner has been an educator for thirty years, working as a classroom teacher (most recently at Ayers Elementary School in Concord), a private school principal, and a teacher educator. She completed her doctorate in Learning and Instruction at the University of San Francisco and is currently an assistant professor of Teacher Education at 麻豆传媒社区入口, East Bay. Dr. Lubliner mentors credential students, teaches pre-service and graduate level reading courses, and conducts classroom-based research in local elementary schools. Shira Lubliner is the author of the articles, The Effects of Comprehensive Vocabulary Instruction on Title I Students' Metacognitive Word-learning Skills and Reading Comprehension (Journal of Literacy Research, 2005), Go Look It Up: Dictionary Instruction Revisited (California Reader, 2005), Help for Struggling Upper Grade Readers, (The Reading Teacher, 2004). She also published the books, Nourishing Vocabulary (Corwin, 2008), Getting Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension (Brookes Publishing Company, 2005) and A Practical Guide to Reciprocal Teaching, (Wright Group/McGraw-Hill, 2001). She co-authored a chapter with Elfrieda Hiebert in What Research Has to Say about Vocabulary Instruction (In Press, International Reading Association), a chapter in the National Reading Council Yearbook, Constructs Underlying Word Selection and Assessments Tasks in the Archival Research on Vocabulary Instruction, with Judith Scott and Elfrieda Hiebert (2006). She and Dana Grisham were awarded the Elva Knight Grant in 2007, by the International Reading Association, for their work on cognate assessment. Dr. Lubliner presents workshops for teachers on vocabulary instruction and reading comprehension throughout the country.
The effects of comprehensive vocabulary development instruction on reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition The effects of vocabulary instruction in narrowing the achievement gap The effects of cognate instruction on the vocabulary and comprehension of Latino/a students
- BA Jewish Studies, UC Los Angeles
- MA Teaching, University of Judaism
- Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Chapman University
- PhD Education-Learning and Instruction, University of San Francisco
Not teaching this semester.
Lubliner, S & Grisham, D. (2017). Translanguaging: The Key to Comprehension for Spanish-Speaking Students and Their Peers. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Lubliner, S. & Grisham, D. (2012). Cognate Strategy Instruction: Providing Powerful Literacy Tools to Spanish-Speaking Students. Learning from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K-12 Classrooms: Promoting Success for All Students. Teachers College Press.
May, 2008 Lubliner, S. & Scott, J. Nourishing Vocabulary: A Well-balanced Diet for Word Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press
Jan. 2005 Getting Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension Baltimore, MA: Brookes Publishing Company
May, 2001 A Practical Guide to Reciprocal Teaching. DeSoto, TX: Wright Group/ McGraw-Hill
In Press Lubliner, S. & Grisham, D. Cognate Strategy Instruction: Providing Powerful Literacy Tools to Spanish-Speaking Students. In J. Fingon & S. Ulanoff (Eds.) Learning from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse K-12 Classrooms: Promoting Success for All Students. Teachers College Press: New York, NY.
2011 Lubliner, S. & Hiebert, E. An Analysis of English–Spanish Cognates as a Source of General Academic Language. Bilingual Research Journal Vol. 34, 1, p. 76.
2008 Hiebert, E. & Lubliner, S. The Nature, Learning, and Instruction of General Academic Vocabulary. In A. Farstrup & J. Samuels (Eds.) What research has to say about vocabulary instruction. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.
2006 Constructs Underlying Word Selection and Assessment Tasks in the Archival Research on Vocabulary Instruction (Scott, J., Lubliner, S. & Hiebert, E.) 55th Yearbook of the National Literacy Conference
2005 The Effect of Comprehensive Vocabulary Instruction on Title I Students Metacognitive Word Learning Skills and Reading Comprehension (Journal of Literacy Research, Vol. 37, 2)
2005 "Go Look It Up": Dictionary Instruction Revisited (The California Reader, Vol. 38, 4)
Jan. 2005 Dr. Shira Lubliner on Vocabulary Instruction (BrookesPublishing's Education Newsletter)
February, 2004 Help for Struggling Upper Grade Readers (The Reading Teacher, Feb. 2004)
November, 2001 Breaking Down the Gates: Instructional Practices that Support the Success of All Children (Classroom Leadership, 2001)
April, 1990 The Transformation of a Congregational School: A Case Study. (The Pedagogic Reporter)
October 16, 2010 Featured Speaker Annual Conference California Reading Association – Coalinga: English Learners – A Comprehensive Approach to Vocabulary Development that Strengthens Comprehension
June 5, 2010 California Reading Association – Harris Ranch: Children in Charge: A Multifaceted, Metacognitive Approach to Vocabulary Development
April 16, 2009 American Educational Research Association: The Effects of Cognate Strategy Instruction on Spanish-speaking Students’ Cognate Identification, Vocabulary Acquisition, and Reading Comprehension
Dec. 3, 2008 National Reading Conference: CSI: The Effects of Cognate Strategy Instruction on Spanish-Speaking Students' Cognate Identification, Vocabulary Acquisition, and Reading Comprehension
Nov. 7, 2008 Center for the Advancement of Reading Conference: Top Ten Ways to Teach Vocabulary
Oct. 17, 2008 Featured Speaker Annual Conference California Reading Association: Nourishing Vocabulary: Providing Students with a Well-Balanced Vocabulary Diet
May 7, 2008 International Reading Association (Research Poster) Cognates and Academic Language: The Keys to Comprehension for Spanish-Speaking Students
April 10, 2008 Presentation to Contra Costa Reading Association (East County)
March, 26 2008 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association: An Analysis of Spanish-English Cognates
Feb. 7, 2008 Keynote Speaker: Oregon Reading Association: Getting Students Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension and Achievement
Nov. 9, 2007 Featured Speaker Annual Conference California Reading Association: Knowing What They Know: Vocabulary Assessment that Strengthens Learning Outcomes
Nov. 10, 2007 Annual Conference California Reading Association, Research Strand: Effects of Systematic Cognate Instruction of Latino Students Vocabulary and Comprehension
Nov. 29, 2007 Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference: Session Chair and presenter: Assessing Spanish/English Bilingual Students' Knowledge of Cognates of Varying Levels of Transparency
Oct. 26, 2007 CSU Center for the Advancement of Reading: Preparing Teachers to Accelerate Students' Vocabulary Acquisition
Oct. 12, 2007 Belle Air Elementary School: Nourishing Vocabulary
August 14-15 DPI Wisconsin Professional Development (Wausau)
August 9, 2007 San Francisco Unified School District Professional Development
August 6-7 DPI Wisconsin Professional Development (Milwaukee #2)
June 28-29, 2007 DPI Wisconsin Professional Development (Milwaukee #1)
April 28, 2007 Lake Mendocino Reading Council: Vocabulary Instruction Across the Curriculum and Throughout the School
March 3, 2007 Modesto: Helping English Learners Succeed
Feb. 16, 2007 San Jose Middle School: Getting Into Words
Feb. 7, 2007 DPI Wisconsin Professional Development: Reading First Coaches
Dec. 5, 2006 San Francisco Unified School District Principals
Sept. 30, Oct.21, 2006 San Francisco Unified School District Professional Development
August 15, 16, 2006 San Francisco Unified School District Professional Development
August 14, 2006 San Francisco Unified School District Principals
August 10, 2006 Chicago Schools: Getting Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension
May 14, 2006 International Reading Association: Symposium: Components of Effective Vocabulary Instruction
May 12, 2006 International Reading Association: Pre-conference Institute: Linking Word Knowledge to the World
April 8, 2006 American Educational Research Association: Session Chair: Choosing Words to Teach
Dec. 1, 2006 Presenter at Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference Vocabulary Instruction: Moving Between Theory & Practice
Nov. 5, 2006 Contra Costa Jewish Book Festival: Are Our Schools Working for Our Children?
Nov. 4, 2006 Featured Speaker, California Reading Association: Children in Charge: A Multifaceted, Metacognitive Approach to Vocabulary Development
Oct. 21, 2006 Vocabulary Institute, Session 1, San Francisco Unified School District
Oct. 7, 2006 Reading Instruction for Academic Achievement: Vocabulary and Academic Language, CSU Bakersfield
Sept. 30, 2006 Vocabulary Institute, Session 2, San Francisco Unified School District
Sept. 26, 2006 Contra Costa Reading Association: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension
Aug. 14, 15, 16 Summer Vocabulary Institute, Reading First Teachers, San Francisco Unified School District
Aug. 11, 2006 Reading Instruction for Academic Achievement: Vocabulary and Academic Language, CSU East Bay
August 10, 2006 Getting Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, Chicago
April 29, 2006 Reading Instruction for Academic Achievement: Vocabulary and Academic Language, CSU Stanislaus
March 4, 2006 Reading Instruction for Academic Achievement: Vocabulary and Academic Language, CSU Channel Islands
April 8, 2006 Choosing Words to Teach (Session Chair) Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Dec. 9, 2005 The Power of Vocabulary for Reading Achievement Regional Technical Assistance Center, California Reading First
Nov. 5, 2005 Accelerating Vocabulary Development and Improving Comprehension Annual Conference of the California Reading Association
Oct. 28, 2005 Rethinking Vocabulary Instruction: Strategies that Help Struggling Readers Catch Up Annual CAR Reading Conference
Oct. 14, 2005 Academic Vocabulary, Reading Institutes for Academic Preparation Leadership Institute
Sept. 15, 2005 Wine and Wisdom: A Sampling of Wine and Teaching Vocabulary Strategies, Placer County Office of Education and Placer Area Reading Council
June 24, 2005 Instruction that Accelerates Vocabulary Acquisition and Improves the Reading Comprehension of English Learners, 26th Annual Reading/Language Arts Conference, San Diego State University
May 5, 2005 Getting Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association
April 30, 2005 Promote Student Learning through Vocabulary Development: How Vocabulary Affects All Forms of Literacy and Academic Achievement, Day of the Teacher, CSUEB Concord
March 5, 2005 Vocabulary and Comprehension Gateway Reading Council
Feb. 26, 2005 Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, Florida Department of Education Weekend with the Experts for Speech and Language Pathologists
Feb. 12, 2005 Getting Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, Featured Speaker, Annual State Conference, Oregon Reading Association
Feb. 4, 2005 Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, CAR Regional Conference at SFSU
Nov. 20, 2004 Generating Document-Based Questions, Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies
Nov. 5, 2004 Wrestling with Words: Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, Annual Conference of California Reading Association
May 3, 2004 Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association
April 14, 2004 The Effects of Comprehensive Vocabulary Instruction on the Metacognitive Word Learning Skills and Reading Comprehension of Disadvantaged Students, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Feb. 2, 2004 CSUH Scholar-Olli featured speaker
Nov. 15, 2003 News and Views: Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategies with Challenging Texts, Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies
Nov. 7, 2003 News and Views: Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategies with Challenging Texts, Annual Meeting of the California Reading Association
Nov. 1, 2003 Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, Keynote address, Saturday Seminar' West Virginia Reading Association, Wheeling
Oct. 18, 2003 Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension, Keynote address, Saturday Seminar' West Virginia Reading Association, Huntington
Oct. 10, 2003 Breaking Down the Gates: Instructional Practices that Support the Success of All Students, Featured speaker, Washington Word Conference
Aug. 20, 27, 29, 2003 Teacher training for the H3 Character Education Grant, Alameda County Office of Education
May 5, 2003 Vocabulary Strategies that Strengthen Comprehension, Annual Meeting of the International Reading Association
April 22, 2003 Recognition or Recall: What Reading Comprehension Tests Really Measure, Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
Jan. 7, 2003 Recognition or Recall: What Reading Comprehension Tests Really Measure, Hawaii International Conference on Education
Nov. 23, 2002 Teaching Teachers, Reaching Students: Annual Conference of the National Council for the Social Studies
Nov. 7, 2002 The Power of Clarifying, Annual Conference of the California Reading Association
April 4, 2002 The Effects of Cognitive Strategy Instruction on Students’ Reading Comprehension Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
April 5, 2002 Studies in Reading Comprehension Discussant at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association
April 18, 2002 Reciprocal Teaching Presentation to Contra Costa Chapter of the California Reading Association
Feb. 20, 2002 Tackle the Textbook – Reading Strategies that Work Hayward International Studies Project
Jan. 15-17, 2002 Reciprocal Teaching Trainer of Trainers Houston Integrated School District
Nov. 9, 2001 Reciprocal Teaching: Content Literacy in the Diverse Classroom Annual Meeting of the California Reading Association
August 17-18, 2001 Trainer of Trainers: Reciprocal Teaching Wright Group/McGraw-Hill
February 2, 2001 Meaningful Literacy Experiences in the Diverse Classroom Annual Meeting of the Colorado International Reading Association
November, 1999 Format Differences in the Assessment of Students’ Mathematical Problem-solving Skills Annual Meeting of the California Educational Research Association
2007 International Reading Association Elva Knight Research Grant
2000 Assessment Fellowship, University of San Francisco
1999 Impact II Grant for Excellence in Curriculum, Contra Costa County Office of Education
1998 Teaching Fellowship, University of San Francisco
June, 1997 Award for Academic Excellence, Chapman University
May, 1974 Yochanan Leshefsky Award for Academic Excellence, University of Judaism
February, 2007 Elva Knight Research Grant (International Reading Association)
Vocabulary Presentation to the Regional Technical Assistance Center, California Reading First (Dec. 9, 2005)
Vocabulary Presentation to the Placer County Office of Education/Placer Area Reading Council, free of charge (Sept. 15, 2005)
Vocabulary Presentation to the Gateway Reading, free of charge Council (March 5, 2005)
Promote Student Learning through Vocabulary Development: How Vocabulary Affects All Forms of Literacy and Academic Achievement, Day of the Teacher, CSUEB Concord
Presentation to the Contra Costa Reading Association (East County), free of charge
Presentation to California Reading Association at Harris Ranch (free of charge)