Linda Smetana, EdD Faculty Profile

Linda Smetana, EdD
Coordinator: Master's in Special Education: MIld Moderate Disabilities , Professor, Resource Specialist, West Contra Costa Unified School District
Department of Educational Psychology
- E-mail:
- Phone: (510) 885-4489
- Office: AE 367B
- Office Hours: Contact via email
- Vitae: View my CV
Dr. Linda Smetana brings many years of experience in the public schools as well as higher education to her position at CSUEast Bay. She bridges theory to practice by incorporating scaffolded field based experiences into her classes.
As a faculty member in the Department of Teacher Education she served as the the team leader for the dual credential, Multiple Subject/Education Specialist (TED/SPED) dual credential program and liaison to the Education Specialists internship program. She was a seminar leader and advisor for credential candidates. She taught courses in the Multiple Subjects, Graduate Reading and Master's degree programs. Her areas of expertise are in the areas of reading and literacy development and disabilities, inclusive practices for teaching students, curriculum and children's literature. Twice, she served as the Director of the Graduate Reading Progrm's Summer Reading Clinic.
Currently she is a faculty member in the Department of Educational Psychology where she coordinates the Master's in Special Education: Mild Moderate programs. She advises and supervises candidates in the Education Specialist Program as well as Master's in Special Education programs. She teaches courses in curriculum and instructional strategies for mild/moderate disabilities, assessment, current and emerging research, strategic learning and instruction and research methods. She is the advisor for candidates completing their department thesis in the areas of mild/moderate disabilities.
Dr. Smetana holds valid California teaching credentials for Elementary Education, Learning Handicapped and Reading. She also holds credentials authorizing work as a Resource Specialist, a school administrator and as teacher for English Learners (CLAD). For the past 30 years she has worked in urban public schools teaching students from kindergarten through continuation high school. Most of her students had been identified as having reading difficulties or mild/moderate/ learning disabilities. In addition to her faculty position at CSU East Bay, she continues as a site based resource specialist teaching students with mild disabilities or in ther response to intervention/instruction at an urban bay area elementary school.
Prior to coming to CSU East Bay, Dr. Smetana was an Associate Professor of Education at Holy Names University (College) where she developed the Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate Credential Program and the Certificate Program in Educational Therapy. She taught courses in the Multiple Subjects, Education Specialist, Educational Therapy and Master's in Education programs.
Dr. Smetana's professional interests are in the area of teacher preparation as well as program development and evaluation. Additional interests include generative technology, differentiated instruction, strategic learning and instruction and the response to intervention process. Her fieldwork practices include working with classroom teachers to provide strategic instruction for struggling readers. Dr. Smetana has served on statewide panels for the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. She was a member of the Special Education Design Team who are developed the new standards the Education Specialist Credentials. She serves as a program reviewer for the Commission on Teacher Credentialing in the areas of Multiple Subject, Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA), Education Specialist Programs. She is a board member of the California Association of Professors of Special Education and a fellow of the IRIS Center at Vanderbilt University.
Dr. Smetana has presented at the California Reading Association, the International Reading Association, the Literacy Research Association and the American Reading Form. Additional presentation have been made at the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the Council for Exceptional Children, the California Council for Teacher Education (CCTE) and the American Educational Research Association. She has published in Literacy, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Middle School Journal, California Reader, Reading Horizons, Action in Teacher Education, Teacher Education and Practice, and the Journal of Literacy Research.
She is the recepient of the "Research Article of the Year" for her article generative technology for teachers and teacher educators published in the Journal of Reading Education.
-Graphic Novels and Literacy Instruction
-Teacher development
-Alternative methods for field based supervision
-Generative technology
- Dr. Smetana is currently a researcher as a part of a nationwide study titled 'The Impact of Teacher Education Programs on the Knowledge and Instructional Practices of Teacher Candidates'.
- AB 1971 University of California, Berkeley
- MS 1976 麻豆传媒社区入口, Hayward
- EdD 1986 Brigham Young University
Course # | Sec | Course Title | Days | From | To | Location | Campus |
SPED 617 | 01 | Stu Tchg: ESN | ARR | WEB-ASYNCH |
Lenski, S. J., Ganske, K., Chambers, S., Wold, L, Dobler, E., Grisham, D.L., Scales, R.Q., Smetana, L., Wolsey, T.D., Yoder, K. K., & Young, J. (2013).
Literacy course priorities and Signature Aspects of nine teacher preparation programs. Journal of Literacy Research and Instruction, 52. 1, 11-27.
doi: 10.1080/19388071.2012.738778
Smetana, L. (2012). Revitalizing Tier 2 intervention with graphic novels. Reading Horizons:
Horizons: Vol. 51: Iss. 3, Article 3.
Smetana, L. & Grisham, D.L. (2012) Generative technology for teachers and teacher educators. Journal of Reading Education, 36, 3, 12-18. (JRE Article of the Year)
Wilson, N. & Smetana, L. (2011);Questioning as Thinking: A metacognitive framework to improve comprehension of expository text. Literacy, 45, 2, 84-90.
Chapters in Books (reviewed)
Grisham, D. L. & Smetana, L. (2013). Multimodal Composition for teacher candidates: Models for K-12 classroom writing instruction. In R. Ferdig & K. Pytash (Eds.), Exploring multimodal composition and digital writing. Hershey, PA: I-G-I Global.
Articles in referred journalsGrisham, D. L., Yoder, K. K., Smetana, L., Dobler, E., Young, J., Wolsey, T. D., Chambers, S., Scales, R., Wold, L., & Ganske, K. (in press). Teacher candidates’ expressed literacy learning in ten teacher preparation programs: Phase I of a longitudinal study. Teacher Education and Practice.
Wolsey, T. D., Young, J., Scales, R., Scales, W. D., Lenski, S., Yoder, K. K., Wold, L., Smetana, L., Grisham, D.L., Ganske, K., Dobler, E., & Chambers, S. (in press). An examination of teacher education in literacy instruction and candidate perceptions of their learned literacy practices. Action in Teacher Education.
Lenski, S., Ganske, K., Chambers, S., Wold, L., Dobler, E., Grisham, D. L., Scales. R., Smetana, L., Wolsey, T. D., Yoder, K., & Young, J. (2013). Literacy course priorities and signature aspects of nine elementary initial licensure programs. Journal of Literacy Research and Instruction, 52(1), 1-27. doi: 10.1080/19388071.2012.738778
Smetana, L. & Grisham, D.L. (2012) Generative technology for teachers and teacher educators. Journal of Reading Education, 36, 3, 12-18. (JRE Resarch Article of the Year)
Wilson, N. & Smetana, L. (2011) Questioning as Thinking: A metacognitive framework to improve comprehension of expository text. Literacy, 45, 2, 84-90.
Grisham, D. L & Smetana, L. (2011) Generative technology for teachers and teacher educators.
Journal of Reading Education, spring/summer 2011.
Smetana, L. (2012). Revitalizing Tier 2 intervention with graphic novels. Reading Horizons:
Horizons: Vol. 51: Iss. 3, Article 3.
Available at:
Smetana, L (2010) Graphic novel gurus: Graphic novels for students with learning disabilities. California Reader, 44( 2) pp 3-14.
Smetana, L. (2010) A view from the middle: Looking more closely at tier 2 (secondary) intervention. California Reader, 44 (1) pp 15-24.
Smetana, L.D., Odelson, D., Burns, H. & Grisham, D.L. (2009). Using graphic novels in the high school classroom: Engaging Deaf students with a new genre. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. 52(8) pp. 228-240. Reprinted in California Reader, 44 (2) 25-25.
Wilson, N.S. & Smetana, L. (2009) Questioning as Thinking: Metacognitive framework. Middle School Journal, 40, 2, 20-28.
Wilson, N.S., Smetana, L., & Grisham, D. (2009). Investigating Content Area Teachers' Understanding of a Content Literacy Framework: A Year-Long Professional Development Initiative. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 52, 8, 708-718.
Smetana, L. & Grisham, D. (2007). Adventures at the national book festival. CEAS Crosscurrents, fall 2007. Available at
Lubliner, S. with Smetana, L. (2005). Getting Into Words. Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Smetana, L. (2004). Collaborative storybook reading: Bringing parents and children together. Reading Horizons.
Lubliner, S. & Smetana, L. (2003). The effects of comprehensive vocabulary instruction on the metacognitive word leaning skills and reading comprehension of title I students. Journal of Literacy Research.
Davenport, J. & Smetana, L (2003). Helping new teachers achieve excellence. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin. (winter issue 2007).
Smetana, L. (1990). Current Events: A springboard for integrating writing and social studies. California Reader. (23, 2). Non-referred publication.
Non-referred Publications
Smetana, L (2009, 2011) Education Specialist Mild Moderate Disability Programs, program
document for CTC, NCATE accreditation reviews
Smetana, L. & Grisham, D. (2007). Adventures at the national book festival. CEAS Crosscurrents, fall 2007. Available at
Smetana, L. (2003) 麻豆传媒社区入口, Hayward Special Education Intern Program
California Special Education Intern Programs monograph
Smetana, L. (1988). A parent's guide to read aloud enjoyment. Publication prepared for San Francisco Unified School District Consent Decree Schools.
Lubliner, S. & Smetana, L. (2004) Getting Into Words: Vocabulary Instruction for Comprehension. Boston: Brookes Publishing Company.
2013 American Educational Research Association, April 27-May 1, 2013, San Francisco, CA. 45.086-5. A Longitudinal Investigation of Teacher Educations Programs Across the United States. (TERSG, with T.D. Wolsey, Linda Smetana, Kathy Ganske, David Scales, Susan Lenski).
2013 International Reading Association, April 19-22, San Antonio, TX. Generative Technology for Literacy Learning (TILE).
2013 9th International Literary Conference, February 20-22, 2013, Guatemala City, Guatemala. Scaffolding Literacy Learning through Graphic Novels and Other Multimodal Representations.
2012 Literacy Research Association, 62nd Annual Conference, November 28-December 1, 2012, San Diego, CA. Teacher Education Programs Effects on the Pedagogical Practices of Teacher Candidates. TERSG Report on Phase I of Longitudinal Study of Teacher Preparation, State Standards (2) Promising Practices in Literacy Teacher Education: Researchers of Literacy.
2012 International Reading Association, April 29-May 3, 2012, Chicago, IL. TERSG Longitudinal Investigation Report (OTER).
2011 Literacy Research Association, 61st Annual Conference, November 30-December 3, 2011, Jacksonville, FL. (1) Expanding the Investigation: Exploring the Impact of Teacher Preparation Programs on the Instructional Practices of Teacher Candidates. TERSG Longitudinal Investigation, Phases I and II.
2010 California Educational Research Association. San Diego CA. December 3-5, 2010.
Needle in a haystack: Looking for Response to Intervention (RTI) teacher skills in the California Teacher Preparation Standards.
2010 Literacy Research Association (formerly National Reading Conference) December 1- 4, 2010, Fort Worth, Texas. Graphic Novel Symposium Learning from Graphic Novels: Word and Images Meet (with T.D. Wolsey, D.L. Grisham, D. Lapp, N. Frey)
2010 Literacy Research Association (formerly National Reading Conference) December 1- 4, 2010, Fort Worth, Texas.Teacher Education Research Study Group (TERSG) Alternative Session
Teacher Preparation and Literacy Development (with TERSG research group members)
2010 International Reading Association 55th Annual Convention, April 25-28, Chicago, Illinois.
Generative Technology for Teachers and Teacher Educators TILE SIG (Technology in Literacy Education Special Interest Group) with Dana Grisham
2009 American Reading Forum, National Reading Conference, 30th Annual Meeting, December 9-11, 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida. Engaging Deaf Students with Graphic Novels (with Dana Grisham)
2009 California Association of Resource Specialists Plus (CARS+), February 1, 2009, Reno, NV, Special Education Reform
2008 Developing teacher preparation standards for special education teachers of the next decade, November 1, 2008, Dallas, TX, Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children
2007 Statewide process to revise special education standards, November 1, 2007, Milwaukee, WI, Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children
2006 Preparing Teachers to Teach in Inclusive Settings: What Teachers Need and How to Help Them, April 1, 2006, San Francisco, CA, AERA Conference
2006 Preparing Teachers to Teach in Inclusive Settings: Strategies for Success, February 1, 2006, New York, NY, AACTE Conference
2004 Castles in the Air: Using Visual Imagery to Enhance Comprehension, November 1, 2004, San Jose, California, California Reading Association
2003 Storybook Reading: Engaging at Risk Readers With Text, November 1, 2003, San Diego, California, California Reading Association
2003 News and Views Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategies with Texts (2.5 hour workshop), November 1, 2003, San Diego, California, California Reading Association
2003 News and Views: Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategies with Texts, November 1, 2003, Chicago, Illinois, National Council for Social Studies
2003 Vocabulary Instruction that Strengthens Comprehension (2.5 hour workshop), May 1, 2003, Orlando Florida, International Reading Association
2003 Recognition or Recall: What Reading Comprehension Tests Really Measure, April 1, 2003, Chicago, Illinois, American Educational Research Association
2003 Concept Development in Lesson Planning, March 1, 2003, San Jose, California, California Council for Teacher Education
2003 Test Format Differences in the Measurement of Reading Comprehension, January 1, 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, Hawaii International Conference on Education
2002 Questioning Strategies to Improve Comprehension of Content Area Text, November 1, 2002, Sacramento California, California Reading Association
2002 Beyond Survival: Case Studies of Struggling Readers, October 1, 2002, San Diego California, California Council for Teacher Education
2000 Sustaining Ourselves: Meeting the Challenge of Urban Schools, July 1, 2000, Holy Names College, A symposium for teachers
1999 Multicultural Literature for Children's Enjoyment, October 1, 1999, CA, Presentation for Parent University sponsored by the Oakland Unified School District
1999 Building Literacy in Multicultural Settings, July 1, 1999, Holly Names College, A symposium for teachers sponsored by the Irvine Multicultural Project and Holy Names College.
1998 Learning About Learning Disabilities Over 50 hours of student and staff development regarding reading disabilities, ADD/ADHD, writing difficulties and other learning differences, November 1, 1998, Orinda Intermediate School, Student and staff
1997 Learning Differences: What to Do Next. Families, January 25, 1997, Holy Names College, Bridges to the Next Millennium Conference
1993 Making Connections: Developing Children's Enjoyment of Literature., February 12, 1993, Fresno, Lecture and demonstration presented at Unity, a conference sponsored by Fresno Pacific College and the San Joaquin County Office of Education
1993 Special Education, Is It Really Special? An overview and analysis of the laws and regulations that impact the education of student with suspected as well as identified special needs, January 14, 1993, El Sobrante, West Contra Costa Unified School District
1998 Introducing the California English/Language Arts Framework, May 1, 1988, El Sobrante, Videotaped presentation for the West Contra Costa Unified School District
• West Contra Costa Unified School District, Richmond, CA: 1979-present: Resource Specialist; 1976-1979: School Improvement Program Reading Specialist and Project Director
• Pittsburg Unified School District, Pittsburg, California: 1972-1974: Teacher, Demonstration Preschool Program
Commission Teacher Credentialing
Bureau of Institutional Reviewers - team member
January 2007-present :Special Education Design Team – Standards Committee
January 2005-August 2006: Special Education Design Team
March 2009: Team Leader for Accreditation Visit
October 2007: Cluster Leader for Accreditation Visit to CSU Fullerton
April 2007: Team Member for Accreditation Visit to CSU Chico
October 2005: Team Member for Accreditation Visit to CSU Dominguez Hills
2007-2008: Document Program Review for ELD Authorization to the Education Specialist Credential
2002-2004: Program Review for SB 2042 Multiple Subject Credential
1992-1997: Cluster Leader/Member Board of Institutional reviewers
2008: Touro University
2002-2004: University of LaVerne
2002-2003: Pt. Loma Nazarene University
1990-2000: School of the Epiphany, San Francisco. CA
2007-present : Trainer-Consultant – Iris Project, Claremont, CA
1996-1998: Orinda Union School District – Disability Awareness
1996-1997: Washington School, San Leandro, CA
1987-1988: Consent Degree Schools- San Francisco Unified School District
1987-1988: Visiting Scholar - School University Partnership for Educational Renewal
Committee Service- 麻豆传媒社区入口
2008-present Lecturer Evaluation Subcommittee for the Faculty Welfare Committee
2005-present Committee for Academic Program Review, CAPR (University Committee)
2007-preseant Library Review Committee (University Committee)
2007Sabbatical Leave Committee (University Committee)
2006-presesnt Basic Skills Appeals Committee (University Committee)
2006-2008Women and Cultural Groups Subcommittee for the Curriculum and Instruction Committee (University Committee)
2003, 2005, 2007 Search Committees (TED), multiple subject faculty, student teaching supervisor and curriculum committees
2005-2008Study Abroad Candidate Interview Committee
2002-2004, chair 2003-2004Honorary Degree Committee (University Committee)
2002-2004, chair 2003-2004Institute for Research and Development (CEAS)
2002-2004Curriculum Development Committee (TED)
2001-2002Steering Committee for the SEAS NCATE/CTC review 2001-2002
2001-2002SEAS Special Events Committee (SEAS) 2001-2002
Committee Service at Holy Names College provided upon request
Clinical Experience
1998-2002Clinical Supervisor for Certificate Program in Educational Therapy, Raskob Learning Institute, Oakland, CA
1988-1989Teaching Fellow, Sequoia Elementary School, Oakland CA
1988-1989Clinical Supervisor St. Mary's College, Moraga, CA
1987-1988Assistant Director, Longfellow Reading Clinic, UC Berkeley
1986-1988Supervisor Advanced Reading Language Leadership Program, UC Berkeley
1976Participant, Summer Reading Clinic, 麻豆传媒社区入口, Hayward
Teaching Credentials
1972 Life Standard Elementary Teaching Credential
1976 Life Specialist Instruction Credential (Reading)
1978 Life Specialist Instruction Credential in Special Education Learning Handicapped
1981 Clear Resource Specialist Certificate of Competence
2008 Clear Certificate of Completion of Staff Development (SB395-ELD)
1984-45 Coursework completed for the Tier 1 Administrative Services Credential
International Reading Association
Council for Exceptional Children
California Association of Professors of Special Education
American Educational Research Association
Community Service
2003-present Miramonte High School WISE Project Review
2002-2004 Washington University in St. Louis Parents Council
1997-1003Parent Action Team – Miramonte High School
Teacher preparation program development and evaluation
Instruction for students with severe reading disabilities
Response to Intervention practices
Candidate assessment
Program Documents:
Smetana, Linda (2009) 麻豆传媒社区入口, East Bay's Education Specialist: Mild/Moderate Disabilities Credential Program, Preliminary Level I and Professional Level II. Program documents prepared for the CTC/NCATE review.
Smetana, Linda (2003) 麻豆传媒社区入口, Hayward's Special Education Intern Program.California Special Education Intern Programs Monograph.
Smetana, Linda (2003) 2042 Multiple Subjects Credential Program. Document prepared for initial program accreditation.
Smetana, Linda (2002) Response to the Reading Standard. Document prepared for the CTC/NCATE Review.
___(2002) Response to Standard 13. Document prepared in response to AB1059.
___(1997) Holy Names College Program Document for Education Specialist Credential Level I, initial program accreditation.
Smetana, L., Maestre, T., & Webster, P. (1997) Reading Instruction Competency Assessment (RICA) Document to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Smetana, Linda (1997) Education 336: Curriculum & Instruction Language Arts. The development and preparation of the scope and sequence for a new course to fulfill RICA requirements.
Smetana, Linda (1997) Certificate Program in Educational Therapy.
___(1993) Reading Instruction for All Learners a videotape to accompany the course document for The Reading Program (x343). University of California, Berkeley Center for Media and Independent Learning. This course satisfied the Commission on Teacher Credentialing reading class requirement for those individuals who hold an out of state credential.
___(1991) Literature for Children of All Ages (x344). University of California, Berkeley Center for Media and Independent Learning. This course satisfied the Commission on Teacher Credentialing requirement for continuing education units for credential renewal.
___(1991, 1988) The Reading Program (x343). University of California, Berkeley Center for Media and Independent Learning. This course satisfied the Commission on Teacher Credentialing reading class requirement for those individuals who hold an out of state or expired credential.