Request for Approval of Discontinuance of a Non-Degree Program
Process to Request Discontinuing a Non-Degree Program
If your department decides that a Concentration, Minor, Certificate, Credential or Subject Matter Preparation Program will no longer be offered, you may choose to discontinue the program, making it unavailable for students to select and/or apply. Once approval of the department chair is obtained, you will initiate a proposal for Discontinuance of a Non-degree program by:
- Log into
- Select the New Proposal Icon,
- Select the "Others" Tab
- Select "Program - Degree/Non-Degree - Discontinuance"
- Select the "Start Proposal" icon
to begin your proposal
Once a Faculty Member and/or Department Chair originates proposal in Curriculog, the proposal moves through the approval process as follows:
- Department Chair (if not the originator)
- Consultation (Newly approved curriculum reviewed by all Department Chairs and Associate Deans. Colleges/Departments have five working days to review proposals and submit any comments within Curriculog.) If no consultation is requested, proposal proceeds to the next step.
- Dean and/or Associate Dean
- College Curriculum Committee (proposal may require additional Dean/Associate Dean review if significant changes are made at this step)
- Academic Programs and Services (Technical and Articulation Officer Review, and Director, Associate Dean, or Dean approval depending on proposal)
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resources (CAPR)
- Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC)
- Executive Committee of the Academic Senate (ExCom)
- Academic Senate
- University President
- California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) if discontinuing a Credential program
- University Curriculum Coordinator facilitates the completion of the proposal and removal from the catalog

Once submitted through Curriculog, the proposal heads to the Dean and/or Associate Dean. After the approval of the Dean and/or Associate Dean and College Curriculum Committee, the proposal will undergo a Technical Review and review of the Articulation Officer (for undergraduate programs) in the Office of Academic Programs and Services, before moving on to either the Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, or the Dean of Undergraduate Studies of Academic Programs and Services (APS), depending on the proposal. Upon approval, the University Curriculum Coordinator in APS will send a list of approved requests to the colleges for the purposes of review and consultation. The colleges/departments will have five (5) working days to review the proposals and submit any objections/concerns via the Consultation Request form in Curriculog.
Discontinued Concentrations, Minors, Certificates, Credentials and Subject Matter Preparation Programs with or without objections, will require review beyond Academic Programs and Services, namely the Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC), the Committee on Academic Planning and Resources (CAPR), the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, the Academic Senate, and the President of the University. In the case of a Credential, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing will also need to review.
Discontinued Concentrations, Minors, Certificates, Credentials and Subject Matter Preparation Programs with or without objections, will require review beyond Academic Programs and Services, namely the Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC), the Committee on Academic Planning and Resources (CAPR), the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, the Academic Senate, and the President of the University. In the case of a Credential, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing will also need to review.
Semester Catalog Curriculum Deadlines
Discontinued programs can only take effect in Fall Semester. Academic Programs and Services deadlines are outlined in the . However, college deadlines are set earlier, so please check with your College Curriculum Coordinator for college-specific curriculum submission deadlines.