New Course Request
Types of Courses
Cross-listed courses are those that are identical, except for the course prefix. One New Course Request must be submitted for each of the two departments.
If both the upper-division and the graduate level versions of the dual-listed courses are being proposed at the same time, one New Course Request form must be submitted for each of the two courses.
Four Course Types Required for all Graduates
American Institutions/Code Requirement: Assignment of individual courses to the United States History, United States Constitution, and California State and Local Government (Code) Requirement must be approved by the Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC). One American Institutions (U.S. Code) class may be double-counted to meet a GE requirement. Criteria for a course meeting the Code Requirement is listed on the General Education Web site.
General Education: All CSUEB undergraduate students participate in the General Education Program, along with their major program. In order to qualify for General Education credit, a course must thoroughly embed the required General Education Learning Outcomes for that area. Assignment of course GE credit must be approved by the General Education Subcommittee of CIC. More information about General Education can be found in the University Catalog.
Overlay: Overlay courses may be lower or upper division; one course from each area—Diversity, Social Justice, or Sustainability—is required for students pursuing a baccalaureate degree from CSUEB. In order to qualify for Overlay Credit in the specified areas, a course must meet the required for that area. Assignment of overlay credit must be approved by the General Education Subcommittee of CIC More information about overlay requirements can be found in the University Catalog.
Writing Skills: Assignment of individual courses to Writing II, the University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) and Graduate Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) must meet criteria as specified for a course meeting the UWSR is listed on the Request to Apply New or Existing Course to the University Writing Skills Requirement form. Assignment of Writing Skills credit must be approved by the General Education Subcommittee of CIC, as well as the Writing Skills Subcommittee of CIC.
If you are proposing a course at the graduate level, Chancellor’s Office policy EP&R 82-39 states that a “graduate course requires: a) the identification and investigation of theory or principle, b) the application of theory to new ideas, problems, and materials, c) extensive use of bibliographic and other resource materials with emphasis on primary sources of data, and d) demonstration of competence in the scholarly presentation of the results of independent study. Satisfactory completion of a graduate course requires more creative thinking than an upper division course.”
New Course Request Process
With permission from you department chair, you may propose a new course in your department. To initiate the approval process, you must complete a New Course Request by following the procedure below:
- Log into
- Select the New Proposal Link
- Select the "Courses" tab
- Select the Type of Course you wish to add. It should say "New" in the title.
- If desired, select the "Preview Form" icon
to preview form
- To proceed, select the "Start Proposal" icon
to begin your proposal
After Faculty Member and/or Department Chair originates proposal in , proposal then moves through the approval process as follows:
- Department Chair (if not the originator)
- Consultation (Newly approved curriculum reviewed by all Department Chairs and Associate Deans. Colleges/Departments have five working days to review proposals and submit any comments within Curriculog.)
- Dean and/or Associate Dean
- College Curriculum Committee (proposal may require additional Dean/Associate Dean review if significant changes are made at this step)
- Academic Programs and Services (Technical and Articulation Officer Review, and Director, Associate Dean or Dean approval depending on proposal). If no consultation is requested, proposal proceeds as follows:
- General Education Subcommittee of CIC, if proposal is for General Education, Graduation Requirement, and/or Writing Skills credit
- Writing Skills Subcommittee of CIC, if proposal is for Writing Skills credit
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resources (CAPR), if additional resources are involved
- Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC), if course meets any stipulations in 5a – 5c
- Executive Committee of the Academic Senate (ExCom), as information only, if course meets any stipulations in 5a – 5c
- Academic Senate, as information only, if course meets any stipulations in 5a – 5c
- University President, as information only, if course meets any stipulations in 5a – 5c
- University Curriculum Coordinator facilitates the completion of the proposal and addition into the catalog

Semester Catalog Curriculum Deadlines
Academic Programs and Services deadlines are outlined in the . However, college deadlines are set earlier, so please check with your College Curriculum Coordinator for college-specific curriculum submission deadlines.
New courses may be added to the Class Schedule in any of our two semesters or summer term, as long as the submission deadline dates are followed. These submission deadlines may be obtained from your College Curriculum Coordinator. New Courses are added to the next available University Catalog (changes may not be made to the published catalog).