Discontinuance of a Degree Program/Major
Major and Degree Discontinuance
In establishing new degree programs/majors, the University has been careful to develop curricula which meet student needs and strengthen existing programs. In spite of careful planning, however, there will be occasions when it becomes necessary to discontinue programs, e.g., in case of a demonstrable lack of student demand or lack of sufficient funding for a program. In these cases, discontinuance will be affected only after thorough study and review and after insuring that students in the terminated programs are able to complete the program.
Normally the question of degree program/major discontinuance will be raised as a part of a regularly scheduled Five-Year Program Review. However, the question may also be raised by the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs, the college dean, or the department when it appears that discontinuance should be considered before the next Program Review is scheduled.
How to Discontinue a Major or Degree
The proposal for discontinuance must be originated by the department by:
- Log into
- Select the New Proposal Icon,
- Select the "Others" Tab
- Select "Program - Degree/Non-Degree - Discontinuance"
- Select the "Start Proposal" icon
to begin your proposal
- Department Chair (if not the originator)
- Consultation (Newly approved curriculum reviewed by all Department Chairs and Associate Deans. Colleges/Departments have five working days to review proposals and submit any comments within Curriculog.) If no consultation is requested, proposal proceeds to next step.
- Dean and/or Associate Dean
- College Curriculum Committee (proposal may require additional Dean/Associate Dean review if significant changes are made at this step)
- Academic Programs and Services (Technical and Articulation Officer Review, and Director, Associate Dean, or Dean approval depending on proposal)
- Committee on Academic Planning and Resources (CAPR)
- Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC)
- Executive Committee of the Academic Senate (ExCom)
- Academic Senate
- University President
- CSU Office of the Chancellor, via Academic Programs and Services as directed by University President
- University Curriculum Coordinator facilitates the completion of the proposal and removal from the catalog

- Regardless of how the proposal for degree program/major discontinuance originates, it must be evaluated by the affected department/program, the college dean, and the appropriate Academic Programs and Services administrator and university curriculum coordinator. The evaluation will include consideration of the possible impact of discontinuance on faculty and students, availability of similar curricula in the Bay Area, and the relationship of the program to other programs in the University and to the mission and goals of the University, and a review for technical and administrative implications.
- After careful study of all relevant review data and the analyses and recommendations of the reviewing bodies above, CAPR will consider the proposed program discontinuance. The committee will invite department/program faculty and students as well as other interested persons to participate in the discussions on discontinuation.
- Program/major discontinuances are considered by both CAPR and CIC. Their recommendations are forwarded to the Executive Committee for placement on the agenda of the Academic Senate. If the recommendation is for program/major discontinuance, it will indicate how students in the program/major may complete their programs. CIC will work directly with the department/program in developing specific curricular mechanisms for degree completion.
- The Academic Senate will recommend to the President on program/major discontinuance.
- If the Senate recommends that the program/major be discontinued, the President will inform the Chancellor of this action and await a review from the Chancellor's Office before acting on the recommendation.
- After receiving the Chancellor's review, the President will decide whether or not the program/major is to be discontinued.
Semester Catalog Curriculum Deadlines
Academic Programs and Services deadlines are outlined in the . However, college deadlines are set earlier, so please check with your College Curriculum Coordinator for college-specific curriculum submission deadlines.