Banking or Unbanking a Course
Banking v.s. Unbanking
A department may bank a course if that course will not be offered for a significant period of time and the department would like to retain the course and course number for future catalogs. Banking the course will make it inactive during the specified term and will remove it from the next published catalog. To bank a course, start a proposal via . Select the "Initiate Banking" Tab below to learn more. If a course being banked is an existing program requirement, the department will also need to complete a Program Revision Request via .
Unbanking a course will reactivate the course in the course inventory so it can be offered again, and it will be added to the next available university catalog in the list of courses. Select the "Initiate Unbanking" Tab below to learn more. The course will have exact same course number, name, prefix, and description as it did prior to banking. Please be advised that course modifications of any sort are NOT permitted when unbanking a course. The course must be reinstated exactly as it was when it was banked. If a modification is required, a Course Revision Request will need to be submitted via .
Process for Banking and Unbanking Courses
To bank a course:
- Log into
- Select the New Proposal Link,
- Select the "Courses" tab
- Select the "Course - Bank (Inactivate)" or “Course - Un-bank - Non-GEOC" option
- Select the "Start Proposal" icon
to begin your proposal
To unbank a course:
- Log into
- Select the New Proposal Link,
- Select the "Courses" tab
- Select the "Course - Discontinuance/Bank/Unbank" option
- Select the "Start Proposal" icon
to begin your proposal
Course Banking and Unbanking follow the same approval process. Faculty Member and/or Department Chair originates proposal in Curriculog. Proposal then moves through the approval process as follows:
- Department Chair (if not the originator)
- Consultation (University Curriculum Coordinator sends list of Banked courses to colleges. Colleges/Departments have five working days to review proposals and submit a Consultation Request proposal via Curriculog.)
- Dean and/or Associate Dean
- College Curriculum Committee (proposal may require additional Dean/Associate Dean review if significant changes are made at this step)
- Academic Programs and Services (Technical Review and Director, Associate Dean or Dean approval depending on proposal). Proposal proceeds as follows if it meets the conditionals below:
- General Education Subcommittee of CIC, as information only, if course is existing General Education, Graduation Requirement, and/or Writing Skills credit course
- Writing Skills Subcommittee of CIC, as information only, if course is for existing Writing Skills credit
- Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC), as information only, if course meets stipulations in 5a or 5b, or is deemed by the Office of Academic Programs and Services as needing further review
- University Curriculum Coordinator facilitates the completion of the proposal and addition into the catalog
- If no consultation is requested, University Curriculum Coordinator banks course and removes from next catalog publication.

Semester Catalog Curriculum Deadlines
Academic Programs and Services deadlines are outlined in the . However, college deadlines are set earlier, so please check with your College Curriculum Coordinator for college-specific curriculum submission deadlines.